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$150,000 instant asset write off now available

$150,000 instant asset write off now available

7 April 2020


We know you’re busy, so here is how the current Government Investment Incentives apply to sheds.

If it’s nothing to do with sheds, you won’t find it in this video!

What sheds qualify for the different incentives? FARM SHEDS!

Instant Asset Write-Off (IAWO) lifted from $30,000 to $150,000!

    1. This means you can instantly write off 100% of an agricultural shed built on farmland for an agricultural business in primary production up to the value of $150,000 exclusive of GST.
    2. Has to be installed before June 30
    3. Find out more: https://treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/businesses

Backing Business Investment (BBI)
    1. This means you can instantly write off 50% of an agricultural shed built on farmland for an agricultural business in primary production over the value of $150,000 exclusive of GST with no cap to how big you can go, and in additional to this, you can also still apply a further 15% depreciation in that same year to the remaining 50% of the sheds value!! So that’s effectively a 57.5% Instant Write-Off in the first year.
    2. This one gives you a little longer, it has to be installed before June 30 next year!

As you can see, some serious incentive to make your project happen NOW!

And in addition to this, you will be helping to keep Australia ticking, all our steel is bought locally, fabricated locally, hot dip galvanised locally and installed by local contractors!!!

Call us NOW to take advantage of these incentives and help keep a jolly good bunch of Aussies working!!

For more information use the links below:


Kind Regards,

Ben Richardson


Mobile: 0409 329 935


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