Agricultural News


Written by Jeff Alagar | 11 February 2025

Hello and welcome to the AUSPAN Ag Inform for February.

AUSPAN 2025 Shed Guide

We’re starting this month’s Inform with a reminder that our annual shed guide will be appearing in the February 13 edition of the Farm Weekly. This year’s shed guide is packed full of information on the various shed types, as well as some of the available options & ideas that you can use to customise your next shed project, so make sure you pick up your copy of the Farm Weekly this week.

See You At The Wagin Woolorama 2025

Wagin Woolorama is just around the corner with the year’s event taking place on March 7 & 8. As always, the AUSPAN team will be on site to answer all of those burning shed questions. They’ll be on the same site as last year, which is site #63 on the main oval, so make you pop in and say g’day.

EOFY Approaching: Take Advantage Of The Tax Benefits

The end of the financial year is approaching fast! To take advantage of available tax benefits, your new shed needs to be in working order by June 30. We typically allow a 12-week lead time for new shed builds, though this can be shorter if you choose to build your own using one of our shed kits. Whether you prefer the turnkey convenience of having us handle the entire build or want to take control and construct it yourself, now is the time to act to ensure your shed is ready in time.

Contact us to discuss your options and secure your build schedule! As always, please consult your tax advisor regarding any tax-related queries on shed purchases.

24 x 12 x 5m Hay Shed in Toodyay

This month our newly-completed feature sheds consist of a hay shed and a couple of machinery sheds, so let’s start with the hay shed which you’ll find at the farm of Wayne Ashworth in Toodyay. Measuring 24x12x5m, this hay shed features 3 bays at 8m per bay.

40 x 18 x 6.65m Machinery Shed in Amelup

Heading just over 400km south now and we find ourselves at the farm of Murray Moir in Amelup, and this 40x18x6.65m Machinery Shed, complete with 5x 8m bays. (Pic Credit - Bignell Contractors Pty Ltd)

32 x 15 x 5m Machinery Shed in Cheynes

And we continue our journey south from Amelup to Cheynes and this 32x15x5m Machinery Shed with 4x 8m bays for Bill Lawrence.

So that’s it for the February Inform. Remember to keep an eye out for the 2025 Shed Guide in this week’s edition of the Farm Weekly, pop in to site #63 at Wagin Wollorama, and all the best for the rest of February.