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9 January 2018

Hello, and welcome to 2018! We trust you have kept safe, enjoyed some time with loved ones and are as excited moving into 2018 as we are.

This month's video update is presented by Ben and features the following topics:

  • New Case Study : Every machinery dealers dream
  • Award of structural steel package for Water Corporations AWRP in Beenyup WA
  • Something new... you asked, we listened!




120m x 30m x 7m Machinery Workshop and Storage Shed

In this edition of the inform, we provide a look at the latest Auspan Case Study and Testimonial video for AFGRI Machinery’s New Workshop here in Gnowangerup, Western Australia.

This Impressive 3600m² Workshop would have to be part of every machinery dealer and farmers dreams!

This 3600m² Machinery & Workshop Storage Facility was completed in July 2015 and has proved a valuable asset to AFGRI and their clients. Click here for more info.




Beenyup Advanced Water Recycling Plant

The team at AUSPAN are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the structural steel package for Water Corporations Advanced Water Recycling Plant in Beenyup WA.

This exciting development is the 2nd stage of Perths first full-scale Groundwater Replenishment Scheme.

Auspan also delivered the steel building package for the first stage and are pleased to be trusted with protecting some of Western Australia’s most innovative sustainable water supply equipment.

Commercial warehouse
Follow the link to the video by The West Australian for more information about the Beenyup Wastewater Treatment plant.


Something new for 2018 - You asked... we listened!

A popular request has been for us to include an interesting quote to spice up our monthly inform.

Something we have found interesting and thought appropriate for this time of the year is the phrase:

'If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.'

So to use one of Waldo Waldmans favourite sayings, lets push it up, and all the best for 2018!!!

What Are you waiting for?

Your Building Project Simplified.
On Time & Delivered Right.
Created Uniquely for YOU.

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