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10 March 2025


Hello and welcome to the AUSPAN Ag Inform for March.

100% Tax Write Off Available

As you know the EOFY year is coming up quickly which means time is running out to take advantage of the 100% tax deduction for eligible fodder storage assets this financial year. By ordering an AUSPAN hay or grain shed kit before the end of March, you maximise your chances of delivery before June 30 – ensuring you claim the full deduction this tax year. Make sure you contact the AUSPAN team asap on 1300 271 220 or visit auspangroup.com.au to get started.

Better Beef 2025 Event


Another event taking place this month is the Better Beef 2025 event to be held at the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre from March 19 through March 21. Much of the action, including the speaker panel, will take place on March 20, and AUSPAN’s feedlot expert Dean Imberti will be manning the AUSPAN stand ready to answer all your feedlot-related questions. AUSPAN is the exclusive distributor in Western Australia for the unique “Ridgeback™” feedlot sheds. The patented concave curved roof design of the Ridgeback™ is self-ventilating and increases air exchanges compared to traditional barns. All of this is especially relevant considering the current industry shift towards covered feedlots.

33.3 x 12 x 6.6m Multipurpose Shed in Corrigin


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We’re going to start this month’s trio of newly completed sheds in Corrigin and this 33.3 x 12 x 6.6m Multipurpose Shed for Ken Grylls complete with 2x 16+m clear span openings for easy & flexible storage..

40 x 21 x 7m Hay Shed in Cuballing

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Next we’re going to head south west for just over an hour to the farm of Mark Conley in Cuballing, where we’ve recently completed this 40 x 21 x 7m Hay Shed that features 2x 16m clear span bays and 1x 8m bays. (Pic Credit - Bignell Contractors Pty Ltd)

30 x 15 x 5m Storage Facility in Yarloop

Mark and Hayley Hillman - Harvey 2

Mark and Hayley Hillman - Harvey

Continuing east for another two hours brings us to Yarloop and this 30 x 15 x 5m Storage Facility. Built for our client Hayley Hillman this project features a fully enclosed build with 2x 7.5m bottom-rolled sliding doors, 2x PA doors & areas of translucent roof sheeting to enhance natural lighting throughout. (Pic Credit - Bignell Contractors Pty Ltd)

So that’s it for the March edition of the Ag Inform. Enjoy the rest of March and we look forward to catching up again in April.

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