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The following options set out our regular commercial building packages from concept design, through to lock-up or turn-key solutions. Use the
packages as a guide - then contact us for a chat as, we are as flexible as your project needs us to be.



CLIENTS: Property Developers, Property Owners, Business Owners that are looking for a building partner that will get the job done right, on time.

AUSPAN's turnkey solution is all about building a better business for our clients.

We understand that commissioning a new building or undertaking an infrastructure renovation is a major business investment. This will require a building partner who understands existing work-flow models, materials handling logistics, team working environments and staged expansion capabilities.

  • 10 step process plan from your first initial thoughts to the following years after you move in.
  • AUSPAN's champion team is conversant in project scoping, land supply, design and architecture, compliance, specifications, and project management. With one main point of contact for your complete build.
  • We understand what is both the latest, and the tried and trusted construction methods. Our emphasis on efficient build practices ensures that AUSPAN can deliver a more exciting building within your budget.



CLIENTS: Commercial Builders and Owner Builders looking to consolidate supply and save site management input time.

AUSPAN’s lock up partner package offers clients an exceptionally efficient site delivery method, where we manage the superstructure trades, through to lockup - allowing clients to complete more projects faster.

  • Design and construction of footings, structural steel and cladding packages.
  • Supply and install of the required doors, ventilation, windows, etc. to achieve a locked-up build ready for fit-off.



CLIENTS: Commercial Builders and Owner Builders looking to consolidate supply and risk.

The steel and concrete package includes the superstructure, plus any tilt or precast concrete walls.

The package includes design and construction of footings, structural steel, tilt panel and cladding packages. Wall openings and office areas are all customised to suit the proposed fit out.

Optional design and construction of concrete slabs and hardstand areas.



CLIENTS: Commercial Builders and Owner Builders

Our entry-level shed offering includes the following superstructure, on site ready for you to fit out.

  • Design and construction of footings, structural steel and cladding packages.
  • We can install footings or stand the structure on yours.
  • 2nd level framing including lift openings and staircase structures.
  • Wall opening and office areas all customised to suit the proposed fit out.


Both our project managers and end-users enjoy our streamlined processes. These package together structural steel and roof plumbing trades. as well as insulation, roller shutter doors, personal access doors, ventilation requirements, and gantry cranes - which are all professionally installed by our dedicated teams



There are many situations where an AUSPAN Structural Steel Building Package can offer significant value to a client. Leveraging decades of industry expertise has seen AUSPAN successfully partner with hundreds of property developers, commercial builders and business owners to deliver industrial factories, commercial warehouses, heavy vehicle workshops, aircraft hangars and boat building workshops.


What To Look For When Choosing An Industrial Factory?

It requires a significant amount of capital investment to set up a new industrial factory building. A prompt informed decision must be made that addresses various aspects of production, efficiency, and operational requirements to lead the project to success. Once the general requirements are identified, site selection is one of the first steps to begin with for industrial construction. The location of a business may play an influential role to a projects success or failure, due to factors that are not immediately apparent, possibly affecting your facility in the future. It is always important to examine the following factors to determine a project’s long term success:


Availability of a workforce with the right skill sets is vital for any manufacturing factory to run efficiently in the long run. That is why a labour market analysis is important before setting up a factory to a particular location. It is always a good idea to contact local economic development groups, technical/community colleges, vocational schools to find out if they offer relevant training programs and partner with local employers.


Access to transportation and utilities are important in determining the project's production and distribution costs. Factories set up in places with poor transportation access sometimes delay production. The analysis of a project's communications, energy and water needs, and supply sources are also equally as important.


Logistics is another important factor to consider due to its relation to suppliers and end-users. Understanding the access to sources of raw materials, suppliers, distribution cantres, and customers is very important for any production business. The location of the factory plays a vital role in addressing the above issues.


The regulatory environment can be different depending on your project location, so the codes and regulations of your particular location must be carefully examined. Environmental regulations today are being taken very seriously, not only at a government level but also from the community level. From building and fire codes, to health and safety, all regulations and codes must be thoroughly considered.


Incentive packages are often offered by the government and local communities to attract businesses that lack economic growth. Some places even offer loans, grants, expedited permitting, tax abatements, and very low land costs. However, these are not always the best long term option, as most come with strict conditions like job creation quotas and investment obligations, and if not fulfilled, may attract penalties. On the contrary, it is always good to explore such options as the outcome may benefit your business. .


How quickly a facility becomes operational can be important in determining the success of a business. Real success of a business however is a project’s long term performance and its growth. It is crucial to know if the site you are looking to build on can physically accommodate future expansion and targeted growth. Always consult in detail with your building company about your plans for not only the short term, but also your vision for the future.


Choosing the right construction company will not only benefit you in terms of cost and efficiency, but also in so many other ways. AUSPAN's proven track record can deliver your project on time, assuring you that your build is being handled in the most efficient way possible. This ensures that factors like surprise costs and overheads, or time blowouts do not occur. At AUSPAN, we pride ourselves in giving you the best advice to help save time and money throughout the project process. It is recommended that you hire a single building contractor that can deliver all your construction needs at once. Hiring multiple teams can lead to miscommunication and lack of cooperation, ultimately affecting your plan.

What To Look For When Choosing A Commercial Warehouse Building?

Since stock is one of the most important aspects of any trading business. You always want to choose a place for your stock that suits your company's needs, finding a balance between a convenient location and a reasonable cost is integral. When discussing warehouses, most of us only consider two things: location and space, but sometimes, it may not be as simple as considering only these two factors.


As vital as a good location is for a warehouse, its scalability is equally important. Where your warehouse is based will determine your processes and timelines for transporting goods. A warehouse's scalability will determine how long it will be able to cope as your business expands. It is important to determine these things and plan accordingly to ensure long-term business growth.


The perfect warehouse premises for your business will be influenced by a variety of factors. It is important to thoroughly examine both positive and negative influences that may contribute to your overall operating costs, for both the short and long-term. These can include: location, access, construction preferences, taxes, codes and regulations. 


Although there might not be a demand for a highly skilled workforce in commercial warehouses, it is a good idea to identify the local labour market for the supply of a long term team. Finding the right labor force may not always be easy so a little homework before setting up the structure will likely benefit you in the future.


Time can be a major factor in affecting the profit of a business while supplying goods to end users. It is important to examine the access of a commercial warehouse, to freight and logistics services. With better access comes better efficiency.

Need expert advice? AUSPAN has the answer to all your queries about warehouse construction. We not only suggest the best locations and conditions, but also give you the best that a construction company can give you.

What To Look For When Choosing A Heavy Vehicle Workshop?

Whether you are a mining contractor setting up a brand new facility or expanding the reach of your logistics fleet with a maintenance workshop, securing the best deal is what you want. The team at AUSPAN are available to assist you with from the initial design phases right through to site installation and commissioning. We will also provide you with initial 3D design concept drawings and budget estimate costings, so that you have exactly what you need to ensure the correct decisions are captured for the project. 


Creating a local team of skilled people that can get things done is imperative. If you are a technician, you already have a good advantage but you need a good team to get things done efficiently. It is always wise to scan for the availability of the local workforce. Local workforce is usually a reliable team that is more likely to stay with your business for a longer period of time.


Reducing the environmental impact a project may incur is important. By minimising the adverse effect of our actions on the environment, we are generating a considerable contribution to the earth and our future generations. At AUSPAN, each project is carefully planned and implemented to minimise our overall environmental impact. 


Heavy vehicle workshops need a maximum vehicle throughput with an efficient facility for daily operations. The structure, design and the location of the workshop play a vital role in ensuring fast and efficient service maintenance turnaround times


There may be different regulations and codes for different locations for building heavy vehicle workshops. If not followed properly, your whole operation can temporarily shut down. So make sure you have a sound knowledge of different regulations (including health and safety) before proceeding ahead.

Need a construction partner with a proven track record? AUSPAN has an answer for all your queries. We are here to give you the best advice to build your heavy vehicle workshop. As the leading building company in Perth and across WA, we have a high level of experience in building heavy vehicle workshops and proudly delivering them efficiently and on time.

WHAT To Look For When Choosing An Aircraft Hangar?

It may seem like a straightforward construction, but building an aircraft hangar is as complicated as other aviation projects that need extreme precision and can be very hard to pull off. An aircraft hangar must be functional while offering security and protection for the aircraft and machinery it houses. On the other hand, you should make sure that your hangar is durable, strong and weather resistant. You can acknowledge your basic requirements, assemble documentation from different building contractors, and compare costs as a good first step, but you should consider a few more factors before choosing a location and a construction partner to move ahead with your plan.


An aircraft hangar should be able to withstand heavy loads, high traffic and weather conditions in some areas such as cyclone regions. Aviation hangars require solid foundations, and floor finishing requirements of durable coatings that resist harsh chemicals. Use of quality materials with perfect engineering should be considered with high priority. Use of high-quality steel for building structure and concrete for strong foundations are highly recommended.


Using space efficiently is critical in aviation construction. While considering hangar size, it is important to consider not only planes and helicopters that will be housed, but also the space needed to move and store the essential supporting equipment. Hangar size requirements may also be different if your future plans involve expansion of your operation. You should also plan for efficient workflow and adequate workspace for maintenance crews for servicing purposes.


The efficient movement of an aircraft in and out of the facility can be challenging in a multiple hanger warehouse, but you can opt for different options from the beginning that can ease access efficiently. A fly-through hangar can be considered the best option if you have multiple planes. Door designs also help for better accessibility. You can either opt for bi-folding doors or vertical lift doors to maximise accessibility. Sliding doors, on the other hand, are often highly cost-effective. It is very important to analyse what design is best for your overall aircraft hangar plan and its operation. 


The proposed location and the requirements of your aircraft hangar can be one of the major factors affecting your budget. Leasing space at an existing airstrip or building a hangar on private property are two totally different things, and require different budget planning. Variations in the design will also attract different costs, for e.g., installation of different types of roof or different types of aircraft doors will have different cost requirements. So good homework is suggested for examining your budget limitations and factors that can drive your costs. It will help you understand the type of hangar that will best fit your requirements and budget. Work with AUSPAN, your engineering consultant, to choose the best site location while considering plans.

What To Look For When Choosing A Boat Building Workshop?

Unlike most other businesses, boat building is a business also driven by passion. The satisfaction of crafting a piece from your hand and the pride in accomplishing a project is worth spending time. However, building such workshops require a significant amount of capital and a good plan from the beginning to stay in it for the long term. If you want to plan your boat building business for the future, you need to consider your options carefully. So begin planning with your workshop structure and consider the following things carefully.


Since heavy duty works run on a regular basis in a workshop, the foundation of a boat building workshop is required to be solid and strong. The structure as a whole also needs to be strong and durable. It is obvious to say that the best material according to your building requirement should be used. But by saying that, overkill is not necessary. For e.g., you would need heavier steel frames for larger structures, but using the same kind of frames for a significantly smaller structure is foolish and costly.


Your budget limitations can keep you from achieving your highest requirements for your workshop, but you should not stop planning according to your budget. Your budget should address your minimum requirement that can be upgraded with time. Your location and your daily operational plan can directly affect your budget. So you must be sure what type of boat building workshop you want to build, and its operational targets and objectives when you are up and running.


Passionate boat builders often tell you that ‘a little space will do’. While it can be true for beginners who want to dive right in for a seasonal gig, it can be problematic in the long run for the ones who want to build a long term career on it. Your workshop size should be able to accommodate your daily operation. You would want your workshop to be significantly larger than the area that stores the boats regularly, because you will have other operational requirements there too. If you have any growth plans, you might want to build your workshop in a scalable way.


The location of your boat building workshop is likely to affect your daily operations. It is important to thoroughly analyse transportation and logistics access when you are planning your project. Design of your workshop can also affect accessibility and daily operations. Also, examine special construction requirements according to your planned location. Some coastal areas are in cyclonic wind regions C and D so your structure should be constructed in such a way that it withstands wind speeds of more than 300 km/hr. Ensure your construction partner understands what requirements must be met and can advise how to best do that.



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What Can Affect The Price When Choosing A Structural Steel Building?

It is quite a regular thing that whenever someone is looking to make an investment, the first thing they think about is the price. When we think about price, we want to be sure that we get the most reasonable price possible, but the lowest price doesn’t always make the best purchase, not when building a steel structure. You will have to pay more for better quality steel material, although it isn't just the cost of steel that makes up an overall price for building your complete structure.

Most importantly you should know what you want so that you can avoid any surprises arising during the construction. Let's take a look at the areas that can affect the price of a structural steel building.


No one makes investments in a structural steel building to fulfill a short term goal. So it is very important that you make the best deal for your requirements. Good quality materials come with warranty and assurance that will keep working for you for years to come. Use of quality materials in your construction is important. Always be aware of your specific needs and get the right suggestion from your construction partner.


Planning your project  is not only essential for the overall success of your project, but also for cost-effectiveness. Rushed orders often attract higher rates. Taking too long for simple decisions, on the other hand, can also be costly. So always partner someone who is an expert in industrial construction and can suggest the best for you, and you won’t have to worry about time management.


Price of steel is determined by various factors and is always fluctuating. Status of the world economy and politics, the value of our dollar, and sudden natural disasters - all can affect the price of steel as it is a global commodity. The price of steel has come down in years gone by, but recent years have seen it increase and it is expected to continue to doing so. Partnering with a construction company where you can secure pricing for a project to avoid changes in the market is recommended. 


The size of your building is one of the factors that play a huge role in increasing or decreasing the cost. Bigger buildings need more materials and hours that contribute to your overall cost. So it is very important to make a plan that fulfills your long term requirements rather than just your immediate needs.


The design of a building in most cases addresses its functional requirement. The design could be very simple to extremely complex. That is why a boat building workshops and an aircraft hangars cost different amounts. Overkill designs that do not contribute to the purpose of the building also attract more cost.


It is very important that you know exactly where you want your building. Your building will have to meet local codes as well as withstand atmospheric conditions. For e.g. your building has to be designed and built in such a way that it withstands high-speed wind if you are building your steel structures in coastal regions of Western Australia. These factors play a big role in determining your steel building’s design and construction needs, ultimately affecting the cost of your project. Remote areas with poor transportation infrastructure may also attract more transportation costs and working hours, ultimately contributing to the overall cost of your building.


The budget for your construction primarily focuses on the structure. However, the location and the accessibility of your site can also contribute some amount to your budget. There are a few secondary things that you need to be aware of before choosing a site. Terrain: If the terrain of your site is uneven, a significant amount of earthwork can be required before it is ready for the building project to start. You might have to allocate a decent budget allowance for cutting, filling and extra retaining on such surfaces. Access: If your site is located far from major centres of suppliers like concrete, earthmoving contractors and rigging teams, you are likely to spend more on transportation and other factors.

How Long Does It Take To Build A Structural Steel Building And Can I Speed It Up?

The lead time of your construction relies on different factors. Most can be managed with good communication and professionalism, while some factors like weather conditions are unmanageable.

It is not always the building contractor who is responsible for the completion of construction on time. Sometimes clients who take extended periods of time to confirm designs and delay contract signings also affect the duration of the project. Good communication is always required from both ends for a good result.

If you choose multiple contractors for the same project, for e.g.: different building, plumbing, and electrical contractors for the same structure, your lead time can be affected.

As the leading building company in Perth and across WA, we have a proven track record of completing all of our projects before time at AUSPAN. We work from with you throughout the whole project process. 


High quality steel that has passed rigorous testing to meet Australian Standards before being sold to the market is proven to have high strength and durability. Low quality steel on the other hand, is responsible for most structural failures across the world, along with engineering faults. Use of low quality steel can ultimately cause breakdown and corrosion to the structure. The quality of the steel you choose will ultimately affect your long term satisfaction of your building projects.

One of the big differences you will see in the traditional shed building market is two types of buildings. Firstly there is the genuine heavy duty structural steel building type - which is constructed from hot rolled steel and fabricated for the main structure, including columns and portals or trusses. Connection plates and cleats are welded to the main members to allow the connection of the structure. Structural steel design buildings generally allow a lot more customisation and flexibility in the building design and outcome.

The second type of shed building method is the ‘C Purlin’ type shed building which is essentially a structure built from lengths of sheet metal rolled into C type members for the columns, rafters and purlins which are then bolted and screwed together in the construction phase. Traditional the ‘C Purlin’ type building isn't suited for the industrial market due to it being designed to be used for lighter and less strenuous requirements.


Size, design and engineering are three primary things that can affect the budget of your proposed building. High precision engineering should also be planned according to the climate of the place where your planned building is located. You might need to choose a heavier steel frame for a bigger structure that would require to withstand harsh weather conditions (like wind, heat etc). High wind regions C and D on the coastal regions of Australia are at risk of being hit by cyclones annually between November and April. Constructions in these regions are required to resist Category 4 and Category 5 cyclones that travel at the speed of more than 300 km/hr, and need to be designed and engineered according to those wind region requirements.

If you are planning future scaling of your building, then keep this in mind: cost per square meter for bigger projects is less in construction.


We, at AUSPAN, are proud to have proven track records on the timely installation of structures. We have been implementing our unique roof lifting concept in different construction works that deliver effective results. But few factors are to be taken in consideration for effective installation on time. We examine the following factors thoroughly and plan installation time and cost accordingly:

Site Conditions: Different site conditions directly affect the fabrication and installation of the building structure and can affect time and cost for the project as well.

Location and Access: There is a difference between constructing a building in empty space and constructing it in the middle of downtown. There will be restricted work hours while working in a populated area. The remote access of the site can also play a role in increased transportation costs.

Risk and Procurement: Costs of materials, including steel, are highly unpredictable due to the fluctuating economic cycles and government regulations.



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